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Stranded with an Empty Tank? Here’s What to Do If You Ran Out of Gas

Stranded with an Empty Tank? Here’s What to Do If You Ran Out of Gas

We’ve all been there – watching the fuel gauge flirting with the red zone, realizing you’re miles from the nearest petrol station, and then the dreaded sputter and stop of the engine. When you run out of gas, the situation can go from being a minor delay to a serious safety issue especially if you’re in an unfamiliar or remote area.

This can happen to anyone, whether you’re a seasoned long-distance traveler or a daily commuter on your regular local routes. But before you panic, remember there are ways to manage the situation efficiently and safely. Preparation and calm can turn what seems like a disaster into a minor inconvenience and keep you and your vehicle safe until help arrives or you can refuel. Here’s our guide on what to do when you run out of petrol on the highway.

What Happens When Your Car Runs Out of Gas While Driving

Car Out Of Gas Symptoms: What are the symptoms of being out of gas?

  • Engine Trouble: The first sign of engine trouble is usually the engine struggling to perform. If your car starts to sputter or make unusual noises, it’s probably running low on petrol. The engine needs a constant and steady flow of fuel to operate. Without enough fuel, it shuts down because it can’t maintain its power and you’ll notice performance issues like lack of acceleration when you press the gas pedal. This is a serious sign your car needs attention before you get stranded.
  • Rough Idling and Stalling: Another sign of not having enough fuel is when your car starts to idle rough, meaning the fuel is not being delivered to the engine consistently. This rough idling is more noticeable when you’re stopped at traffic lights or when the car is idling. If it gets worse, it will stall completely. Stalling while driving is dangerous so you need to recognize these signs early. When your car shows these symptoms, pull over to a safe place and assess the situation.
  • Potential Backfiring: Not all vehicles exhibit backfiring but some do. Backfiring is when unburned fuel ignites in the exhaust system and makes a loud noise. It’s not just a sign of fuel inefficiency; the car is also not running correctly.
  • It means the car is running on very low fuel to the point where the fuel combustion process is not completed in the engine. Backfiring is a serious sign of fuel system issues and needs to be inspected and repaired immediately to avoid further damage to the car.

Recognize these signs and act fast and you’ll avoid breakdowns and expensive repairs. Always keep an eye on your car and do regular maintenance checks to catch these issues early.

What are The Consequences of Running Out of Gas?

Loss of Control Systems

  • Power Steering: Power steering significantly reduces the effort needed to steer the car, making maneuvering through tight spots and parking much easier. This system relies on the engine’s power to operate efficiently. Without it, the steering wheel becomes significantly harder to turn, especially at lower speeds, which can increase the physical effort required to control the car.
  • Braking: The braking system in your car will continue to function even if the engine is off, but it will lack the vacuum assist feature that normally makes braking smoother and requires less force. Without this assist, you’ll find that you need to apply much more pressure to the brake pedal to achieve the same stopping power, which can lead to slower response times and increased stopping distances.

Other Potential Issues

  • Fuel System Issues: Air can get into the fuel lines when you fill up, and it can be a real pain to start the engine. This is usually temporary and will work itself out as the air works its way through the system.
  • Strain on the Battery: Using your vehicle’s electrical components like lights, radio, or AC without the engine running can drain the battery fast. Not only that, it can also leave you with a vehicle that won’t start without a jump start or battery recharge.
  • Clogged Fuel Injectors: Running out of gas can also damage the fuel injectors which are responsible for delivering fuel to the engine. Without enough gasoline, these delicate components can get clogged or damaged and can be expensive to repair especially for a modern car. Get a fuel filter to minimize the chance of clogging your fuel injector.

Long-term Effects

  • Modern Fuel Pumps: Modern fuel pumps are designed to be efficient and durable. They are cooled and lubricated by the gasoline that flows through them, which helps to maintain their performance over time. However, running your vehicle on an empty tank consistently can potentially shorten the life of these pumps. While the risk of damage from a one-time running out of gas is minimal, putting your electric fuel pump through this stress regularly can cause premature wear and tear.
  • Catalytic Converter Damage: Running out of gas causing damage to the catalytic converter is a rare scenario but can’t be totally ruled out. The catalytic converter relies on a proper balance of air and fuel to function correctly. Running the engine on an improper fuel mixture can cause the converter to overheat. Over time, this can damage the converter and cost a lot of money to repair. Keeping a healthy level of fuel in your tank is a simple way to avoid such problems.
  • Costly long-term damage: All in all, regularly running out of gas could damage your car and necessitate expensive repairs.

What to Do if your car runs out of Gas On The Highway?

As soon as you notice your car is out of gas, stop. Pull over to a safe spot, away from traffic. Then, determine your location. Next, we’ll break down what to do if you run out of gas and offer possible solutions.

Running Out Of Gas 6 Solutions

  1. Turn on your hazard lights: so other drivers know you’re there and need help.
  2. Engage the parking brake: so your car doesn’t roll.
  3. If possible, aim for a flat shoulder or a parking lot if one is nearby: These are the safest surfaces and will protect you and other drivers.
  4. Walk to the Nearest Gas Station: Before you decide to walk, locate gas stations near you to see how safe the route is and how far it is. Make sure it’s a viable option. Always take your ID and a payment method with you so you don’t have any issues when you get there.
  5. Call for Help: Many organizations, like CDRA, offer emergency fuel delivery service as part of their roadside assistance program in Canada, including a towing service. This is a super convenient option and saves you the hassle of leaving your car.
  6. Use a Gas Can: If you have a gas can or can borrow one from a nearby gas station, a friend, or a family member, this could be a solution. Just follow the proper safety procedures when refilling your fuel tank to avoid accidents. Make sure the engine is off before you start and always ground the gas can prevent static electricity from igniting the gasoline vapors. This requires a bit of elbow grease but is a quick fix to get you back on the road.

How To Start Your Car After Running Out Of Gas:6 steps

  1. First, after filling the tank and resetting the pump switch, you turn your ignition key to the on position.
  2. Then you listen to the pump. At first, you will hear a distinct buzz or hum.
  3. It will quickly turn to a quiet hum as it fills up with fuel.
  4. You should leave the ignition on for 3-5 seconds, then turn it off, then on for 3-5 seconds again, then off.
  5. Some cars will experience a pump shutdown due to the lack of fuel pressure. So, you don’t want to let the pump whir away for long; a few seconds are enough.
  6. Repeat the process 3-4 times to pressurize the system before attempting to start the car again. It should start immediately.

How to Tell If Your Car Ran Out of Gas or If It’s a Dead Battery?

  • The first step is to look at the fuel gauge: If it’s near empty, at empty, or if the low light is on, it means the problem is probably having an empty gas tank. If the meter is nowhere near empty, then it might be another problem with a fuel pump or fuel filter.
  • There are also signs that a dead battery is the main reason: If the engine won’t turn over although the headlights and power are on, then the battery might be dead. In all cases, CDRA can help you fix the problem and get back on the road. Ran out of gas near you? Call CDRA anytime 1-886-519-4001, anywhere.

Ran Out Of Gas: Who to Call When You Run Out of Gas?

Run out of gas? Call 1-886-519-4001 and get help now! As a member of the CDRA program, you always know you can rely on CDRA to save you from any situation on the road. Whether you need to refuel, boost a dead battery, tow, or winch, CDRA is there for you, anywhere, anytime. If you’re not a member yet, call and join the program now!

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Does Running Out of Gas Damage Your Battery?

Running out of gas regularly, especially on older cars, might damage your cars. For example, when your engine doesn’t have enough gas, the cylinders might misfire. You suffer a great risk if you travel at high speeds and RPMs because your car’s computer will require a richer air-fuel mixture, without which, the engine might get damaged.

A diesel engine is at more risk of damage from running out of gas than a petrol engine because a diesel engine becomes clogged with air, damaging the injectors and filters. This makes it very difficult to get the engine turning over again.

What is the Best Time to Fill Up the Gas Tank?

The best time to fill up gas is in the early morning when the temperature is cool. That’s because heat can cause gasoline to get contracted. In other words, in a cooler temperature, you get more fuel for the same price.

Running Out of Gas FAQs

What do I do if I run out of gas at home?

If you run out of gas at home, you should find a gas station in the area. At the gas station, you buy a gas can and pour it into the car. It should give you enough gas to drive to the gas station and fill up the car completely.

The second option if you don’t live near a gas station is to call CDRA 1- 866-519-4001 for help. In less than an hour, our technicians will arrive and fill up your gas tank.

How far can you go with the gas meter on empty?

Generally, you can drive up to 30-50 miles on low gas once the fuel light is illuminated. If you drive a large vehicle, you can get away with driving around 80 miles. However, it’s best to fill up the tank as soon as possible before the car is completely empty.

Will my car start if it’s completely out of gas?

No, there’s no way for the car to start if it completely runs out of gas. That’s because the fuel pump gets try from not having fuel to draw out from to pour into the engine.

How do you know if your car ran out of gas?

When you run out of gas, you start losing control of braking and steering. Then, the car will start stalling because there’s not enough fuel to power the car’s engine. Then, once the car is completely out of fuel, it will abruptly stop and the gas gauge will read empty.

How do I get gas if my car runs out?

If your car runs out of gas on the road, you can call roadside assistance at 1-866-519-4001 and get immediate help. If you’re not part of a roadside assistance program, you could call a friend or family member and give them your location to get gas to you.

How long does it take for the car to start after running out of gas?

It should start right away but might lag or cough at first as the air clears from the injector. If it takes a while to start, we advise driving to a mechanic to inspect it.

Does the engine light come on when the car runs out of gas?

Sometimes, there’s a connection between engine light illuminating and low fuel level. If you suspect that, you may run the car by a mechanic to check if there’s something wrong with the fuel gauge.

Why is my car running rough after running out of gas?

When your car runs out of gas, the fuel pump might start sucking in air instead of fuel, which might cause the engine to misfire and sputter. Moreover, low gas might cause a fuel pump shutdown because of the lack of fuel pressure. To avoid this, pull over just before the car runs out of gas completely and refuel it.

Does my car shut off when you run out of gas?

Yes, your car will abruptly stop and the fuel meter will read empty. In that case, pull over, turn on hazard lights to notify other drivers, and call roadside assistance to deliver gas to your car.

What if I run out of gas and I have no money?

If you’re a part of our roadside assistance program, you get up to 4 service calls. That means you can call us anytime and get help at no extra charge. Otherwise, you should call a friend or a family member to bring you gas or take you to a gas station.

How much is a full tank of gas?

Most cars can hold from 10.5 to 18.5 gallons of gas. Smaller compact cars usually hold around 12 gallons. Bigger cars hold 15 gallons or more.

How long does a full tank of gas last?

It depends on the car type, your driving style, and where you drive. Most cars can drive up to 16 hours on a full gas tank, on average. In miles, a full tank should allow the car to drive up to 300 miles comfortably.

When should you fill up your gas tank?

In general, you shouldn’t let the gas tank fall below 1/4 of its capacity. That could lead to a breakdown and is bad for the fuel pump.

Is it bad to drive with low gas?

Yes, When your car is low on gas, the fuel pump might start sucking in air instead of fuel, which might cause the engine to misfire and sputter. To avoid damage to your car from driving on low gas, pull over just before the car runs out of gas completely and refuel it.

Can running out of gas cause engine problems?

Yes. When your car runs out of gas, you’ll notice performance issues like a lack of acceleration when you press the gas pedal. The car engine needs a constant and steady flow of fuel to run. Without enough gas, it shuts down because it can’t maintain its power.

Full Tank Gas In Winter FAQs

Why should you keep your gas tank full in winter?

In winter and during cold temperatures, it’s bad to have less than a full tank to minimize condensation and avoid problems caused by a frozen fuel line. If the water condenses because of the empty space, the fuel line might freeze, causing the car to stall and not start at all. Moreover, an empty tank might cause debris to be sucked up and clog the fuel injectors or fuel filters.

Extra Winter Tips

Winter is when being prepared for emergencies is even more important. Make sure you have

  • Warm blankets.
  • Flares, a first-aid kit.
  • And other survival gear in your car.
  • This could be a lifesaver if you get stranded due to bad weather or car trouble.
  • Have enough supplies to keep you warm and safe until help arrives or conditions improve.
  • And always follow fuel-efficient driving to not run out of gas and get stranded with an empty tank.

The Bottom Line

If your car runs out of gas it’s not just an inconvenience, it’s a hazard. Knowing the signs your car is low on fuel, about to run out of gas, and what to do can save you from danger and get you back on the road with minimal stress. Don’t ignore the warning signs like the fuel light, engine sputtering, or loss of power. In these situations, safely steer your car to the side of the road and get help. Remember it’s always better to refuel before your gauge hits the red zone. Know the gas stations along your route and plan your fuel stops on longer trips and you’ll avoid surprises. Safe travels!


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